Top Search Engines Love Fresh and Original Content.

If you want to get a top rank with the big G and other top search engines, you should consider getting fresh content since they hate the so called "duplicate content" (private label rights articles for example). If you're using plr content, you need to rewrite them to avoid duplicate content penalties.

Now, this is time consuming. This is why it's recommended to outsource this job or use an article writing software.

Looking for All-In-One Tools.

If you plan to use an article writing software, you should consider one that helps you to

a) create content on any subject from scratch and

b) rewrite your existing plr articles.

If you combine an article generator with a rewriter, you'll be making your plr articles unique inn seconds and you'll be adding more and original content (using the content generator) really fast.

Instant Article Wizard vs Smart Article Generator

From the different article writing tools you'll find out there (instant article wizard, quick article pro, article architect etc) the one that covers both requirements is SAG - V3.0 (all in one software).

With this software you can rewrite your content with just a click, generating 10, 20 or more unique copies from each article. You can also create a unique article from scratch with the generator and then rewrite it! Best of all, it has a cheap price and no monthly fees (others charge $30 or more per month). A Must Have.

Instant Article Wizard it's also a good tool but it has lots of limitations and it's more expensive than SAG. Both are good tools but i prefer SAG.

Author: Grant Freeman

When you hear talk about product marketing, you hear words like, ecovers, ecover generators, and even using photoshop actions and templates to make CD Covers, DVD Covers, Ebook Covers for your products.

If you're selling information products, you want a quick and smiple solution for getting your customers familiar with your product, and increasing sales volume.

The buzz about using ecover software and Photoshop as a time & money-saving alternative started around May of 2003 when several web marketers found thier nitche, and the idea was successful.

Andrew Jackson of MGI Software, an Internet software and services company, says that "there is a 30% increase in sales and a 50% reduction in returned goods with the use of 3D imaging." – Los Angeles Business Journal, December 17, 2000

Do a search on DVD Cover Designs, CD Cover Designs, or eBook Covers, and you'll find a handful of website that sell a kit specifically designed to save you time and money.

Photographers and Graphic designers charge you between $50 to $80 per hour for the work.

When a highly respected product photographer takes a photo, more than likely it will be digitized into Photoshop for color correction and enhancement. Using photoshop for making ecovers just makes perfect sense.

"A growing number of e-businesses are experimenting with the rapidly emerging field of three-dimensional web technology. Others are counting on 3-D to add new levels of excitement and realism to e-commerce websites (...) Photo realism really enhances believability." CIO Magazine, "3-D Finally Gets Serious"

Some of what you may find are packages containing pre-made Photoshop templates and Photoshop Actions that let you add your own text, have full control of fonts, background images, colors, and even add effects that best match your product or company brand.

Photoshop actions work well because the actions are nothing more than a series of recorded tasks that have already taken place in order to create the stunning ecover.

The awesome combination between premade photoshop templates and actions work much better than the ecover generator sofware for several reasons:

1) You're working with relyable software from a wellknown company like Adobe. You know that the software is stable and is used by design industry professionals.

2) Free Trial Versions are most always available to try for free.

3) The people behind the photoshop ecover designs are more than likely graphic designers. Check thier work for attention to detail depending on how realistic and professional looking you want your ecover to be.

4) Unlike software "generators", you are limited to the effects and options that are knowhere near the expertise, freedom, flexiblility, and raw power of Photoshop & actions.

Where product photographers require you bring your products and to come to their in house studio and pay around $50.00 per hour (not including setup fees), automated product cover software allows you to design and upload a professional image of your product in less than a few hours.

With the speed of automating a 3 dimensional image that looks just as good as the real thing in under 5 minutes, that is cost effective!

But buyer beware. Some automated product cover design packages are not created equal. Most only allow you to make images of your products at only 72 dpi, while others like Grant's 5-Minute DVD, CD, and Ebook Cover Designs and Actions for Photoshop ( allow you to create images at up to 300 dpi.

This means that you can take full advantage of almost every marketing effort you can think of, including:

-Product Posters & Billboards

-HDTV Broadcast Comericals

-Trade show banners and backdrops

What's the best part you ask? That's simple. The best part is that if you already have Photoshop, you can save hours and even days to effectively market your product on the internet, and anywhere else you can reach your customers.

If you don't have Photoshop, download it directly from the Adobe website and try it free.

© Copyright 2006. Grant Freeman

About The Author

Grant Freeman has been a Freelance Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Photographer, Video Editor, and Creative Director for over 13 years. His most noted clients include Sony, Bertolucci, Land Rover, and various International Recording Artist in the U.S.

Visit Grants website online at for Photoshop learning, and various creative business to business solutions.

About the Author:

Article Source: - Using Photoshop Actions to Make Ecovers

Author: Larry Lang

If you are planning to hire a webmaster for your web design needs, be sure to do your homework. There's a lot more to designing a web page than merely making it look good. How your web pages are or are not constructed can mean the difference between up and running or shut down!

After doing your basic due diligence in checking the individual or the company itself with the Better Business Bureau to see that it has a good reputation and that there are not outstanding complaints against the company or webmaster, your next step is to check to see if the pages that the webmaster designs are W3C compliant.

A webmaster's home page is like their resume or "sample" of the work they do. If their own home page is not compliant, chances are that they will not create yours that way, either.

What is a good way to check for compliance? Beyond the obvious method of just plain asking, it's very simple to check up on a particular web page to see if it is compliant.

Validate Their Home Page

One way for you to do this is to validate their home page. You can use the W3C validator at website to see if the webmaster's home page and other pages are compliant. All you have to do is enter the URL of their site and the validator will let you know if that page complies.

Are Other Client Pages Compliant?

Another way that you can check up on the webmaster is to look at other client pages and check them for compliance. Enter their URL in the validator as described above and check them out. If other client pages are compliant, you can feel more assured that yours will be compliant as well.

Most webmasters or web design companies will show samples of other sites they have created. They may list some as references for you to check out their work. Take this opportunity to check out their previous clients and the pages that have been created. In addition to running a check on the client pages, you might actually be able to speak to previous clients and ask them about their experience with the webmaster you are considering.

Remember, your website represents your company or business. It is worth the time and effort to do your research and choose the right person for the job.

About the Author:

Article Source: - Finding a Webmaster Who Creates W3c Compliant Websites

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